Hello lovelies,
as promised, today I am coming with a brand new beauty post.
I've been thinking what would I like to write about today and I decided to create a "face of the day" type of post, but with a small alternation. I am including two photos, one on which I am having naked face without a drop of any product and another on which the magic has already happened - me wearing make-up a.k.a face of the day. I would like to give you some tips how I conceal all of the small imperfections, which I think a lot of us have and fight them every single day.
I don't think I have ever published a photo of me without make-up and I can't even recall the last time I was outside without make-up (grocery shop doesn't count). Make-up has become a staple part of my daily routine, when I am going somewhere. But it's time to reveal the "ugly truth"...so enjoy reading :)
Ahojte krásky,
ako som sľúbila, dnes Vám prinášam nový beauty post.
Dlho som rozmýšlala o čom by som chcela dnes písať a napadlo ma, že by som mohla vytvoriť post v štýle "Face of the day" (tvár dňa), ale s menšou zmenou. Do tohto postu pridám fotku s tvárou nielen po aplikácii make-up, ale aj pred. Mám taký pocit, že som ešte nikdy nič podobné nespravila, bez make-upu nechodím ani na krok (do potravín sa neráta). Make-up sa stal stabilnou časťou mojej dennej rutiny, až tak, že si život bez neho už ani neviem predstaviť.
Rada by som vám v tomto poste poskytla tipy ako zahaliť vaše drobné nedostatky, teda ako ich "odstraňujem" ja, pretože viem,že mnohé z nás ich máme a snažíme sa ich čo najlepšie ukryť.
Tak je načase pustiť sa do toho...
1, in order not to have massive breakouts from foundation and all the stuff I put on my face, I begin every make-up application with washing my face with water and applying a toner // každú aplikáciu make-up začínam tým, že si umyjem tvár vodou a zvyšky nečistôt odstránim pleťovým tonikom
2, to even out my skin and mask my pores I use L'oreal Dermo Expertise Skin Perfection, this product is such a gem...comment if you would like a review on it :) // na zjednotenie tónu pleti a zakrytie pórov používam L'oreal Dermo Expertise Skin Perfection, tento produkt je proste úžasný!
3, having a more oily type of skin, I use a mattifying product as a primer mostly Bioderma's Mat //
tým, že mám mastnejšiu pleť, potrebujem zabezpečiť, aby sa moja pleť cez deň neleskla, ako primer preto používam Biodermu Mat
4, as you might see I have terrible under-eye circles, I have to use multiple products to mask them - my holy grails are Garnier's Roll On and any concealer in pink/salmon tones // ako vidíte, mám hrozné kruhy pod očami, používam viacero produktov na ich zakrytie, ale mojimi najobľúbenejšími sú Garnier Roll On a akýkoľvek korektor v odtieni ružovej/lososovej
5, everytime before applying make-up I prime my lips with any lipbalm, it makes such difference // pred každou aplikáciou make-upu si nabalzamujem pery, kým dokončím svoj make-up mám ich pekne hydratované :)
6, to make my face look skinnier and nose thiner, I contour my face // efekt tenkej tváre a úzkeho nosa sa mi podarí docieliť kontúrovaním
7, never forget to apply a small amount of light shade to your tearducts, it makes you look more awake // nezabúdajte aplikovať svetlejší tieň na vnútornú stranu vášho spodného očného viečka, vytvára to efekt otvorenejších očí
8, if you are not feeling like wearing a ton of make-up keeping your routine quite simple, but you are still lacking something, add a pop of colour by using a dark lipstick // ak vám chýba nejaká farba z tváre, ale necítite sa nato,aby ste na nej mali veľa produktov, dajte si tmavší rúž...dodá vám to nielen sebavedomie, ale oživí celú tvár :)
Sooo here you are, my 'face of the day' // tak nech sa páči, 'tvár dňa':
Products I used // Produkty, ktoré som použila:
1, Bioderma Sébium Mat Anti-Shine fluid as primer
2, Maybelline Affinitone Perfecting + Protecting Foundation with Vitamine E in 24 Golden Beige
3, Garnier Roll-On Anti-dark circles stick
4, Make Up Factory concealer stick
5, Pupa Smoothing and Fixing Eye Primer
6, Rimmel Match Perfection Skin Tone Adapting Concealer in 030 Classic Beige
7, Catrice Allround Concealer Palette
8, Rimmel Match Perfection Ultra Creamy Compact Powder in 303 True Nude
9, Gosh Bronzing Powder in 02 Natural Glow
10, Rimmel Lasting Finish Blush in 001 Spring Flower
11, Catrice Highlighting Powder
12, Catrice IntensifEye wet&dry eyeshadow in 030 Vanilla Sky Ride
13, L'oreal Contour Khol in 131Noir Intense Jet Black for upper lash line
14, Maybelline Master Smoky shadow pencil in Smoky Black for lower lash line
15, eyebrows: eyebrow set by Essence and Essence clear gel mascara
16, ArtDeco Long Lasting Liquid Liner
17, combination of 2 mascaras: Maybelline OneByOne Volum' Express and L'oreal Volume Million Lashes
18, lipstick/rúž by Avon Colordisiac in Instant Attraction