Hello lovelies,
after such a long time I decided to come back :)
It's been approximately half a year since I haven't written anything, but I just didn't find the meaning of keeping this blog alive at all. Till today there aren't any comments or any feedback, which would persuade me that it is worth keeping this blog.
I've been thinking for a past few weeks of reviving this blog...because, very simply, I am missing talking about make-up and stuff related to it, in my "real" life there's nobody who would make a good conversation partner in this field and this blog always provided me place for it.
So I decided to make some changes :)
I will be writing shorter posts, but they are going to be both in English and Slovak.
I hope you don't mind :) I feel that there are so many good bloggers, who own English blogs and here in Slovakia we lack blogs, which are concerned with such themes as make-up and beauty.
I hope it will work out :)
I will be back in a very short time :)
Until then I am wishing you a nice week!
Ahojte :)
po prvé....vitajte na mojom blogu :)
Môj blog existuje už niečo vyše roka, ale toto je prvý post v slovenčine!
Dlho som rozmýšlala, či mám začať písať články v slovenčine, ale povedala som si prečo nie :)
Väčšina mojich článkov bude aj v angličtine, bolo to tak od začiatku a túto tradíciu meniť nechcem. Ale, predsalen, slovenčina mi umožní predstaviť tento blog aj dievčatám zo Slovenska, však módnych a beauty blogov v angličtine je na nete nekonečno a slovenských tak málo.
Ako ste si to už možno všimli môj blog je hlavne o kozmetike, móde a občas aj tak trochu o mne.
V reálnom živote nemám veľmi možnosť rozprávať sa o týchto témach, preto sa ,dúfam, budete zapájať do tohto môjho virtuálne sveta aj vy :)
Čoskoro sa vám ozvem s beauty postom...
zatiaľ vám prajem pekný týždeň :)
...kisses, Carina...